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LWV of Greater Cleveland
Phone: 216-694-8919
2800 Euclid Avenue, Suite 518
Cleveland, OH 44115


P.O. Box 5310
Cleveland, Ohio 44101
©League of Women Voters ® of Greater Cleveland • League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland is a 501(c)(4) organization • League of Greater Cleveland Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization
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HomeJoin the CHUH Observer Corps

Join the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Observer Corps

Observe your Local Government

Why be a League observer?

  • Observing keeps our chapter aware of what is happening with our cities and schools and helps support local advocacy as needed.
  • Also important is informing the public; our CHUH team publishes reports in the Heights Observer and post also them on our chapter webpage:
  • This is important League work! Observing and study is where League differs from other organizations. We do more than register voters and GOTV. We learn, inform, and advocate - even, and especially, at the local level.
Why focus on local government?
  • Voters often underestimate the relevance of the workings, politics, and policy opportunities of local government.
  • Local governments manage essential services enjoyed daily but often take for granted, such as fire safety, police, refuse collection, and road maintenance. 
  • Also, important are visionary policies for the community’s future with economic development, safety, neighborhood vitality, etc. 
  • Groundbreaking policy movements often begin locally—e.g., sustainability, marriage equality, LGBTQ rights, fair housing, school funding, and education policies.
  • Groups not aligned with League values and positions are focusing on local governments, advocating policies we consider harmful.

Observer requirements - observers must be:

  • Impartial and not active in election campaigns relevant to the body covered.
  • Interested and willing to learn about local government.

What you do not need:

  • Experience or expertise. This develops “on the job.” Observer training will be provided to give the basics and some understanding of sunshine laws. 
  • Fine writing and note taking skills are helpful, but not essential. Editing is provided for published reports. Guidelines and forms help observers prepare reports, but there is ample room for differences in personal style and experience in reporting.

Time commitment:

  • Average 3.5 hours per meeting covered including both meeting attendance and write up.
  • Time needed can vary from 1 to 5 hours, depending on the meeting length and complexity.

Opportunities as a League member:

  • Become more involved with your local League and the support of democracy.
  • Meet and work with other LWV chapter members.
  • Receive training in local government and League processes..

Our communities need a League voice on local issues. League’s nonpartisan policy and practice of acting only after study and careful consideration give its advocacy more weight. We cannot have an effective League voice locally without solid knowledge of our local governments.


Observing Your Government in Action 

View CHUH Observer Reports:

CHUH Observer Corps Reports

If you are interested in joining the CHUH Observer Corps  or w
ould like more information please email: